Crime and Corruption Wiki

After waiting all the customers leave, Conan Helsley robbed a pawn shop in Boonville, Indiana with his brother Terry while his girlfriend Brandi Lovell is waiting in the car. During that event, they stole 17 guns and some cash. After robbers leave, owners called the police and identify the car they were driving. The police led to a high speed chase until the car flipped over in a field north of Chandler, IN. The three riders got out of the car and went to the hiding but Terry emerged and walked toward the police and arrested him while Conan and Brandi took off on foot into the woods. Conan and Brandi went on to break into a home to steal couple of things including a gun. Later, owner noticed a broken glass and called the police. The police then find the suspects in Conan's house and were taken to Warrick County Jail. After spending couple months in prison, Conan and inmate Kent Day were last in line waiting for medicine when they ran off into the prison yard and escaped by hopping over two razor-wired fences. They struggled as Kent stabbed in the leg by that wire, causing it to bleed and losing his ability to walk over time. They trekked across the field and they find a pickup truck. Eventually, it ran out of gas and was forced to trek across the land again. Eventually, they find a home to break into to look for car keys, but while in process, the owner pulls up and freezes them with both sides pointing with a shotgun. Conan and Kent abandon the site as homeowner call the police. They see the suspicious helicopter flying overhead twice and found the warehouse to hide in. They hid in the cabinet as police searched the warehouse. Couple hours later, they re-emerged and find a car to steal. They stopped to call his mother on payphone as two teenage girls notified police about the suspect matching the picture she saw. Conan saw the police pointing at him and ran back into the car. The police then got into the car and went to a high speed chase. They set up the roadblocks by putting spikes across the road but Conan and Kent managed to avoid it to the side of the road. They were travelling 70 mph over the speed limit when they crashed the incoming car. The riders are too stunned to avoid police and ordered Conan out of the car. After that arrest, police searched the car and find another person inside and arrested him into a one-decade sentence. Conan was later transferred to a high-security prison.
